Solar Victoria Loan program | SolarHub
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Reducing the upfront cost of a solar PV installation

The Solar Victoria Loan Program helps homeowners offset some of the costs of adding solar panels on their roof.

Combined with the Solar Victoria $1,400 solar panel (PV) rebate, there is no need to break the bank to take advantage of the power of the sun.

Solar Victoria fact sheet

How to apply


  1. Request a quote for a solar PV system.
  2. One of our consultants will visit you to assess your energy profile and prepare a tailored quote.
  3. You will receive your quote within a few days. We will also upload this quote on the Solar Victoria portal.
  4. If you are interested in accepting the quote, you will need to prove your eligibility on the Solar Victoria portal.
  5. During the approval process, Solar Victoria will let you know if you are also eligible for the interest-free loan.
  6. If you accept the quote, you pay the price after rebate and loan as we take care of claiming them for you after installation.

Speak with an expert

Arrange a time to discuss your options with one of our energy specialists. They will be able to design a system that best suits your needs.

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