Anti-Islanding Test | SolarHub

At SolarHub, we understand the importance of ensuring the safety and efficiency of your Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system. One critical aspect of maintaining the integrity of your solar PV system is through regular anti-islanding testing and system inspections.

What is Solar PV Anti-Islanding?

Solar PV anti-islanding is a safety mechanism designed to protect the grid and electrical equipment from potentially hazardous situations. Islanding occurs when a section of the electrical grid becomes disconnected but continues to generate power from a local source, such as a Solar PV or Battery System. This can pose serious safety risks to utility workers and equipment, as well as potentially causing damage to your Solar PV system.

What’s Involved in the Test?

During a Solar PV anti-islanding test, our technicians will assess your system’s ability to detect grid disturbances and shut down properly when necessary. This involves simulating various grid fault scenarios to ensure that your Solar PV system responds appropriately and does not continue to generate power in isolation from the grid.

The test typically includes:

  1. Voltage and Frequency Testing: Checking the system’s response to changes in voltage and frequency, which are indicators of grid stability.
  2. Disconnect Testing: Verifying that the system disconnects from the grid promptly and safely when required.
  3. Reconnection Testing: Ensuring that the system can successfully reconnect to the grid once it’s safe to do so.

While we are there you may also want us to undertake a full system health check to ensure your system is working optimally. This includes and inspection of the inverter, panels, array framing, cables and switches. We recommend you have someone check your system as frequently as every 2 years, however if that’s a stretch, please ensure your system is inspected every 5 years at minimum.

Mandatory Anti-Islanding Testing in Canberra

In Canberra, anti-islanding testing for Solar PV systems is mandatory every 5 years to ensure ongoing safety and compliance with local regulations. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in restrictions on system operation. Even if you aren’t in the ACT however, we do recommend regular testing and maintenance of your system.

What’s included in the test?

Anti-Islanding Test Only Full System Health Check
Disconnection Test (<2 secs)
Reconnection Test (>60 secs)
Inverter Inspection (condition, water ingress, cable entries, function)
Panel Inspection (condition, water ingress, signs of degradation, thermal images, cleanliness)
Array Framing Inspection (clamps and rails secured, loose cables)
DC/AC Isolator Inspection (condition, water ingress, operation)
Overall system condition and recommendations
Test Report
Automated Evo Energy Notification
Price (inc-gst) 1 inverter = $220

2 or more inverters = $270

1 inverter = $390

2 or more inverters = $490

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