LG RESU Prime | SolarHub
  • LG RESU Primeimage


LG Energy Solution is the division of LG responsible for battery technology.

It was founded in 1947 and it now one of the largest manufacturers of batteries globally.

Product Information

LG Energy Solution is a vertically integrated battery manufacturers, with ample research and development capability. Their third generation Prime batteries offers more capacity in a smaller footprint. SolarEdge Energy Hub inverter is compatible with the LG Prime range.

LG offers a range of sizes to suit various types of households. Customers also have the option of connecting up to two modules together for more storage capacity.

Power 5 kW
Storage Capacity 9.6kWh
DC Voltage 400V
Compatibility SolarEdge Energy Hub
Depth of discharge 90%
Dimensions H 817mm W 504mm D 295mm
Weight 111 kg
Warranty 10 years

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