ACT Residents: 16 free panels when purchasing a SunPower Reserve 10.1kWh battery
Exclusive Offer: Only 20 Units available
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Sunny Canberra, our Home
Canberra exceeds both Melbourne and Sydney in average sun hours and is home to some of the most ambitious energy targets in Australia.
Having started our business in Mitchell, SolarHub is proudly Canberran. As experts in the area, we’ve installed more than 12,000 solar systems in our city and more solar batteries than anyone else under the Next Generation Energy Storage Program.
Incentives in Canberra
The ACT has the most ambitious renewable energy target within Australia, having already reached their 100% renewable energy target.
Many solar energy rebates and incentives in Canberra have been put in place to reach these targets. There are also some rebates and incentives for battery storage, as well as for home energy efficiency improvements.
Discounts and Rebates
The following programs offer point-of-sale discounts to facilitate the access to solar energy, battery storage, and other appliances in the ACT.
Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs)
Through the Federal Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, STC’s are created after the installation of solar panels and hot water heat pumps.
Every quote we produce has detailed information on the amount of STC’s your system creates, and on the process of trading them for an upfront discount.
Home Energy Support Program
This program helps Canberra’s pensioners and veterans install energy efficient products in their home, such as solar PV systems, air conditioners and hot water heat pumps.
Eligible homeowners can receive a $2,500 rebate after a solar installation, as well as another $2,500 rebate after a hot water heat pump or air conditioner installation.
ActewAGL appliance upgrade offer
SolarHub is an approved retailer for the ActewAGL appliance upgrade offer.
Under this offer, ActewAGL customers are eligible for upfront discounts and power bill credits when upgrading their heating and cooling system, or their hot water system.
Interest-free Loans
0% interest payment plans allow Canberrans to improve their home without the need to deploy a lot of upfront capital.
Some installations under these loans result in cash-flow positive scenarios, meaning that you end up with more money in your pocket because the savings from your new installation cover more than your loan repayments.
Sustainable Household Scheme
This ACT Government initiative provides interest-free loans for up to 10 years and $15,000 to improve households with clean and efficient energy solutions.
Eligible products include solar panels, batteries, air conditioners, hot water heat pumps, electric cooktops and electric vehicle chargers.
ActewAGL Appliance Payment Plan
The Appliance Payment Plan offers interest-free loans for appliances such as air conditioners and electric vehicle chargers, amongst others.
To be eligible, customers must remain active ActewAGL Energy Customer throughout the loan period and own their property.